Our Activites

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Science Club

The aim of science club is to give awareness to the students about the scientific facts, make them vibrant and enthusiastic, bring them close to the realities of life, encourage them to take risk  in their lives and above all to prepare them to live a successful life in this fast changing scenario. Teachers give personal and group projects and assignments in order to sharpen the  intellect of the students and apply their learning into practice. The students are given opportunities to prepare science related charts, models, essays, field Trip, Power Point Presentation and science exhibition.

Social Service Club

The noble work of charity is being done through social service club. Every year this club arranges activities like food mela,  distribution of grocery, vegetables , clothes and other useful things among the poor and needy. The amount collected from Food Fest is used to construct a house for a poor family.  They visit Government Hospital, near by villages and  Hostels for mentally and physically  challenged children and share the stationary items.

Literary Association

The literary association conducts various competitions like essay writing, quiz, debate, dance, song, skit etc.

Eco Club

Eco-Club arranges rally to give awareness to the people. They prepare  slogans , banners etc. They plant some saplings on the road side and entrust the duty of watering the plants to the nearby family members.

Sports & Games

Along with the classroom learning,  children achieve a lot of life’s lesson from the play ground. We conduct healthy competitions to enable them to develop a good spirit of self discipline and co-operation.

Cultural Activities

To improve the leadership qualities, the students and teachers are divided into four houses. They take the responsibility of  conducting the cultural programmes at the different occasion like Independence day, Republic Day, Christmas etc.

Glow Friends

Through this we give counselling to the problematic students and visit their houses.

Medical Checkup

Health check up team from rural hospital do the medical  check up our students regularly .

Spirtual Nourishment

Beyond the academic  nourishment we give more importance to the spiritual need of our students. During the recess time they go to the  prayer room and offer their prayers and petitions before the Lord. We conduct meditation regularly.

Creativity itself doesn't care at all about results - the only thing it craves is the process. Learn to love the process and let whatever happens next happen, without fussing too much about it

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